Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I would paint you a picture
Of my love for you, for they say
A picture is worth a thousand words
But to me no word enlisted in the dictionary
Can aptly define and elaborate this feeling.
You are a queen, whose glittering gown
Sparkle and dazzle the eyes of men
Strong men who bow at the presence
Of amazing beauty and splendor,
You are a master piece.

I would pen you an ode,
Preferably a sonnet each line of the fourteen
Completely laced with appraisal
For that is the only rain that should fall
On a person like you
I would hold your hands and
Blind fold you and Dance with you,
A beautiful beyond words thing, in the rain

I would sing you a song
A sweet sensational song with a voice so mellow
Yet it wouldn’t be enough to win your heart
I will sing to the highest octave, dance
To the best of my ability, but eventually
It will be you who will sing me a lovely lullaby
To put me to bed, my dreams ever being sweet
And hoping they come true!

(Am facing a writer's block. Trying to break this wall)